How To Set Up A Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Small Business

When it comes to marketing your small business here in the DMV, you have so many options and it can be really overwhelming. You want to sell your products and services but you don’t know where to start. After all, there are so many different services out there that specialize in digital marketing for small businesses. It can be awful difficult to know which one is right for you and your company.

Fortunately, with a little research and planning, you can set up a digital marketing strategy for your small business that will help you reach new customers and grow your presence online. Read on for some ideas on how you can create an effective digital marketing plan for your  business.

Assessing Your Company’s Needs


If you’re not already doing it, the first step to creating a digital marketing strategy for your small business is determining what you need. This step is important because it will help you determine the scope of your online marketing plan and how long it will take to implement. If you don’t know where to start, you can use the following questions to assess your company’s needs:

  • What are my objectives?
  • How do I want my company to be seen?
  • What actions do I want people to take after they see my company?

The above three questions will give you a good idea of what you want out of your digital marketing mix. If you’re in need of help in setting this up for your small business, contact us at


Create a Brand Strategy


It can be tempting to think that digital marketing is simply about advertising on social media, but it’s really about much more than that. That’s because digital marketing can also involve branding and content creation. These are the two most important aspects of successful digital marketing for your small business.

You need a strong brand and engaging content if you want to get recognized online. Take a look at what type of content people are already looking for in your industry. Then, create targeted posts that address these needs by creating content that does what people love best on social media. For example, if you are selling real estate, you could post about hot new topics or even share an article from a reputable source with useful information about real estate buying, selling or investing trends.

Segmenting your audience is another important aspect of a successful marketing strategy for your small business. Use different types of content based on who they are so that you can get their attention and keep them coming back for more! For example, you might use a blog post or video to reach out to potential customers or offer special deals to those who follow you on FaceBook or Instagram.


Develop your Content Strategy

The first thing you need to do is set up a content strategy. You should have a plan in place for what content you want to produce and when it will be released so that your audience knows exactly what they can expect from your company or firm. The most important part of this process is the frame of mind you take while creating the content. Your content must be updated regularly because if it isn’t, people won’t learn about new products or services that you offer. It’s also important for your company to present itself as an expert in its field by providing helpful advice and guidance on topics related to your business or specialty area.


Establish an Editorial Calendar


An editorial calendar is a tool that helps you organize your digital marketing efforts. Establishing an editorial calendar for your small business will help you set up individual marketing tasks and track them over time. This will also ensure that you’re able to hit all of your goals and target the most appropriate audience for your brand. Set up a content calendar with specific dates for publishing new blog posts, creating social media posts, or launching webinars. If you have a different type of product or service, be sure to create a separate content calendar for each one.

Use Data-Driven Marketing Tactics


Your digital marketing strategy must be formulated and based on collected data. You can do this by creating different marketing campaigns, using analytics software, and continuously doing market research. Once you have the information you need to make your decisions, you will be able to see where your business is lacking and what changes are needed in order to grow.

It’s important with any digital marketing plan that you do not rely on guessing. Instead, use data-driven tactics such as surveys or focus groups. This helps you understand the needs of your clients and customers so that you can create better content for them. It also gives you a chance to receive feedback from others about what they like about your company and what they don’t like so that you can improve accordingly.

Wrapping Up


There are many ways to market your small business here in the DMV and it all starts with you deciding what you want to achieve. Once you decide upon your business goals and objectives, it will be easier to know which tactics, tools, and technologies are right for your company. By doing some in-depth planning, you can set up a digital methodology that will help you reach new customers and grow your presence online.

The bottom line is that digital marketing is an essential part of staying competitive in today’s marketplace. There is a multitude of options and avenues to take so it behooves you to get expert advice and guidance at the outset so that you don’t waste your time and money. We are here to help.

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